
Analysis of Barcelona possession

The freely available Statsbomb event level soccer data includes 520 Barcelona La Liga games during the period from 2004 to 2021. Barcelona are famous for their ability to out-possess nearly every team they play against, so I thought it would be interesting to dig into the data and produce a few charts to demonstrate Barcelona’s possession dominance.

Possession analysis: Time vs Passes

On TV, post-game soccer possession statistics are measured by the number of passess for each team during the game. In this post I explore possession using the freely available Statsbomb event level data from the 2019 Champions League final between Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur.

2019 Champions League final possession analysis

This post uses freely available Statsbomb event level data to visualize the frequency of possession changes in the 2019 Champions League final between Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur. Liverpool won the game 2-0, but they possessed the ball for less than half the time Spurs had it.

Using StatsBombR to obtain soccer data

This post shows how I used the ‘StatsBombR’ R package to get freely available soccer data provided by StatsBomb. StatsBomb is a sports data company and they provide free online samples of some of their professional level data.